Product Information
Sunroc DF-2801 RADII
Suggested Specification
Model DF-2801 shall include push pads to activate the flow of water. Fountain shall be designed to eliminate splashing and standing water. Bubbler shall have flexible guard and operate between 20 and 120 PSI. Shall be Listed by Underwriters' Laboratories to U.S. and Canadian standards. Shall comply with ANSI 117.1 and ADA. Shall comply with the Safe Drinking Water Act and Lead Contamination Control Act. Shall comply with ANIS/NSF 61.
RADII Bi-Level Modular Fountain meets the needs of the physically challenged and the able-bodied.
DF-2801 A light press of the push pad activates the flow of water.
DF-2801 Spec Sheet
Sunroc DF-2801 RADII
Suggested SpecificationModel DF-2801 shall include push pads to activate the flow of water. Fountain shall be designed to eliminate splashing and standing water. Bubbler shall have flexible guard and operate between 20 and 120 PSI. Shall be Listed by Underwriters' Laboratories to U.S. and Canadian standards. Shall comply with ANSI 117.1 and ADA. Shall comply with the Safe Drinking Water Act and Lead Contamination Control Act. Shall comply with ANIS/NSF 61.
RADII Bi-Level Modular Fountain meets the needs of the physically challenged and the able-bodied.
DF-2801 A light press of the push pad activates the flow of water.
DF-2801 Spec Sheet